Judith Weir & Jonathan Dove: Organ Works Thomas Corns

Cover Judith Weir & Jonathan Dove: Organ Works

Album Info

Album Veröffentlichung:


Label: Resonus Classics

Genre: Classical

Subgenre: Instrumental

Interpret: Thomas Corns

Komponist: Judith Weir (1954), Jonathan Dove (1959)

Das Album enthält Albumcover Booklet (PDF)


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  • Jonathan Dove (b. 1959): The Dancing Pipes:
  • 1The Dancing Pipes09:35
  • Judith Weir (b. 1954): Judith Weir:
  • 2Wild Mossy Mountains04:28
  • The Trees Unfold:
  • 3The Trees Unfold05:58
  • The Wild Reeds:
  • 4The Wild Reeds11:03
  • Jonathan Dove: Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam:
  • 5Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam03:28
  • Judith Weir: St Alban:
  • 6St Alban06:53
  • The Tree of Peace:
  • 7The Tree of Peace04:49
  • Ettrick Banks:
  • 8Ettrick Banks04:21
  • Jonathan Dove: Niagara:
  • 9Niagara07:58
  • Total Runtime58:33

Info zu Judith Weir & Jonathan Dove: Organ Works

Jonathan Dove (b. 1959) and Dame Judith Weir (b. 1954) may diverge in musical style, yet their organ compositions converge through evocative storytelling.

On this album, their works for organ intertwine, revealing a shared fascination with the organ’s pictorial prowess, particularly in the depiction of watery motifs.

From Weir’s turbulent Scottish rivers in Ettrick Banks, and her rugged yet ghostly depiction of traditional Eastern European folk instruments in The Wild Reeds, to Dove’s jubilant celebrations of organ pipes in The Dancing Pipes, and the almost over-whelming force of his Niagara, each piece unfolds like a rich tapestry of sound.

Organist Thomas Corns breathes life into these compositions, where theological reflections mingle with vibrant sonic imagery, and the organ becomes a palette for storytelling.

Thomas Corns, organ

Thomas Corns
currently holds the post of Director of Music at the Collegiate Church of St Mary, Warwick, where he leads the choirs in a busy programme of services, concerts, tours, broadcasts and recordings. Educated as a chorister at Wells Cathedral, and a graduate of the Royal Academy of Music and Cambridge University, he has held positions at St Paul’s Cathedral, Truro Cathedral and Jesus College, Cambridge.

Speaking of the appointment Thomas said: “I am delighted and honoured to have been appointed, to have the opportunity to build on the work of my predecessors and to direct such a dynamic music department. I am looking forward to working in this vibrant city with all in the Cathedral and community and to moving to Sheffield with my wife Claire and our young family.”

Booklet für Judith Weir & Jonathan Dove: Organ Works

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