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FLAC 88.2 $ 13,20
  • 1Mingus Moods06:31
  • 2Landalan09:06
  • 3Noraren Dantza07:34
  • 4Ez pentsatu gehiegi06:24
  • 5Non Gogoa09:41
  • 6A Los Que Se Fueron04:20
  • 7Tiempos nuevos tiempos salvajes05:14
  • 8Piscola04:33
  • Total Runtime53:23

Info zu Mingus Moods

Mingus Moods is a tribute, a surrender, a vindication of the music, or rather the spirit of the music of that hallucinating and hallucinated genius Charles Mingus.

Almost all the themes are composed and arranged by the double bass player Iosu Izaguirre, who is capable of evoking the spirit of Charles Mingus' most brilliant works.

The only track not written by Iosu Izaguirre is "Tiempos nuevos, tiempos salvajes", which has been a timeless classic in the Ilegales repertoire since its release as the first track on their mythical first album of the same name. For this reason, it is a rightful part of the Malditos Jazztardos section.

"In my music I try to express my inner truth. And that's a complicated thing, because I'm constantly changing".

"I'm Charles Mingus, a half-black man, but not white enough to stop being called anything other than black. I'm Charles Mingus, famous jazz musician, but not famous enough to make a living in this society".

Charles Mingus played at the same time in a beautiful way, in a rough and violent way, with all his love, with all his hate, with aggressiveness and with delicacy. Essentially a jazz musician, but, above all, an incomparable shaper of a music, or perhaps better a sound, of a much wider scope. And not only because of his prodigious talent, but also because of his polyhedral, dangerous and indecipherable personality. Involved in a constant struggle against the racism inherent in Western society, with an always firm, courageous and defiant attitude and instigator of thousands of controversies; a brilliant, unsurpassable and moody lover of music. There are many of us who adore his magic and who rank him among the greatest artists of the 20th century, as well as those who are powerfully attracted by his stormy and mysterious life. Among them, the main responsible and author of this stupendous album you are holding in your hands: the excellent double bass player Iosu Izaguirre.

As Iosu himself rightly says, Mingus' work is influenced by gospel, blues, African music, music from New Orleans, Mexico, Colombia, swing, be bop, Duke Ellington, Debussy, Stravinsky and free jazz. But it is always possible to identify his truth, his struggle and his love in each and every note of his compositions. And that has been the main criterion and tool for Iosu. He has dissected the maestro's music down to the simplest and tiniest elements, and with them he has built a new musical edifice as a tribute.

Iosu Izaguirre started playing the electric bass at the age of 15 in ska and rock bands and soon felt the call of jazz and began to study double bass technique. He moved to Barcelona for a few years where he collaborated with musicians such as Victor de Diego, Gorka Benitez, Alejandro Di Costanzo, Alejandro Mingot and the pianist Teresa Zabalza. On his return to Gasteiz, he took part in projects by the singer-songwriter Mikel Urdangarin and the composer Bingen Mendizabal, as well as the pianist Iñaki Salvador. He has also worked as producer and tour director for Gari de Hertzainak. And as if this were not enough, his extensive and fruitful career includes work with Ruper Ordorika and none other than Mikel Laboa. Iosu is a musician of vast experience and wisdom, and why not, our own "little Mingus".

The musicians who accompany him on this adventure are equally outstanding participants in our jazz scene. On the album we can find Rubén Salvador (trumpet), Pablo Ramos (alto sax), Asier Iturbe (trombone), Koldo Uriarte (piano), and Aitor Bravo (drums). Altogether, 8 original compositions by Iosu Izaguirre recorded in the Araba hall of the Fundación Vital in Gasteiz in December 2022. 8 charming tokens of affection, respect and admiration and a generous invitation to immerse yourself in the life and work of the singular Charles Mingus. Don't miss the opportunity.

Iosu Izaguirre Sextet

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