Cover Haydn: Die Jahreszeiten

Album info



Label: LSO Live

Genre: Classical

Subgenre: Vocal

Artist: London Symphony Orchestra & Sir Colin Davis

Composer: Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)

Album including Album cover Booklet (PDF)

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  • Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809): Die Jahreszeiten, Hob. XXI: Der Frühling (Spring)
  • 1Introduction03:54
  • 2Recitative: Seht, wie der strenge Winter (Simon, Lukas, Hanne)02:01
  • 3Komm, holder Lenz! (Chorus)02:59
  • 4Recitative: Vom Widder strahlet jetzt (Simon)00:26
  • 5Aria: Schon eilet froh der Ackermann (Simon)03:41
  • 6Recitative: Der Landmann hat sein Werk vollbracht (Lukas)00:27
  • 7Trio: Sei nun gnadig, milder Himmel! (Lukas, Simon, Hanne, Chorus)05:02
  • 8Recitative: Erhort ist unser Flehn (Hanne)00:55
  • 9Trio: Song of Joy: O wie lieblich ist der Anblick (Hanne, Lukas, Simon, Chorus)06:58
  • 10Ehre, Lob und Preis sei dir (Chorus)02:39
  • Der Sommer (Summer)
  • 11Recitative: In grauem Schleier ruckt heran (Lukas, Simon)04:02
  • 12Aria: Der munt're Hirt versammelt nun (Simon)03:07
  • 13Trio: Sie steigt herauf, die Sonne (Hanne, Lukas, Simon, Chorus)04:19
  • 14Recitative: Nun regt und bewegt sich alles umher (Simon)00:30
  • 15Recitative: Die Mittagssonne brennet jetzt (Lukas)01:11
  • 16Cavatina: Dem Druck' erlieget die Natur (Lukas)04:02
  • 17Recitative: Willkommen jetzt, o dunkler Hain (Hanne)04:16
  • 18Aria: Welche Labung fur die Sinne (Hanne)04:44
  • 19Recitative: O seht, es steiget in der schwulen Luft (Simon, Lukas, Hanne)02:05
  • 20Ach! das Ungewitter naht (Chorus)03:52
  • 21Trio: Die dustren Wolken trennen sich (Lukas, Hanne, Simon, Chorus)01:42
  • 22Von oben winkt der helle Stern (Hanne, Lukas, Simon, Chorus)02:26
  • Der Herbst (Autumn)
  • 23Introduction and Recitative: Was durch seine Blute der Lenz (Hanne)02:19
  • 24Trio: So lohnet die Natur den Fleiss (Simon, Hanne, Lukas, Chorus)07:01
  • 25Recitative: Seht, wie zum Haselbusche dort (Hanne, Simon, Lukas)01:01
  • 26Duet: Ihr Schonen aus der Stadt, kommt her (Lukas, Hanne)07:27
  • 27Recitative: Nun zeiget das entblosste Feld (Simon)00:45
  • 28Aria: Seht auf die breiten Wiesen hin (Simon)03:09
  • 29Recitative: Hier treibt ein dichter Kreis (Lukas)00:39
  • 30Chorus of Countrymen and Hunters: Hort das laute Geton (Chorus)03:47
  • 31Recitative: Am Rebenstocke blinket jetzt (Hanne)00:56
  • 32Juhe, juhe! Der Wein ist da (Chorus)01:50
  • 33Nun toenen die Pfeifen (Chorus)03:24
  • Der Winter (Winter)
  • 34Introduction: Die Einleitung schildert die dicken Nebel02:36
  • 35Recitative: Nun senket sich (Simon, Hanne)02:25
  • 36Cavatina: Licht und Leben sind geschwachet (Hanne)02:08
  • 37Recitative: Gefesselt steht der breite See (Lukas)01:33
  • 38Aria: Hier steht der Wand'rer nun (Lukas)03:45
  • 39Recitative: So wie er naht (Lukas, Hanne, Simon)01:07
  • 40Song with Chorus: Knurre, schnurre, knurre (Hanne, Chorus)02:23
  • 41Recitative: Abgesponnen ist der Flachs (Lukas)00:20
  • 42Song with Chorus: Ein Madchen, das auf Ehre (Hanne, Chorus)03:27
  • 43Recitative: Vom durren Osten dringt (Simon)00:46
  • 44Aria: Erblicke hier, betorter Mensch (Simon)04:51
  • 45Trio and Double Chorus: Dann bricht der grosse Morgen an (Bass, Tenor, Soprano, Chorus)05:38
  • Total Runtime02:08:35

Info for Haydn: Die Jahreszeiten

Following the success of Die Schöpfung (The Creation), which had swiftly gained popularity throughout Europe, Haydn’s librettist Baron Gottfried van Swieten suggested another project, based on James Thomson’s pastoral epic, The Seasons. One of Haydn’s last major works, Die Jahreszeiten depicts the yearly cycle of life in the countryside through the eyes of three peasants, providing us with music of thrilling vitality and creativity.

“From cheeky surface details to the underlying sense of optimism, Colin Davis is alive to every nuance of Haydn's late masterpiece. The conductor's lightness of touch allows the music to flow like quicksilver, albeit without undermining the work's long-range architecture...The soloists are also on beguiling form.” (Classic FM)

“Sir Colin Davis's live account is founded on purposive modern-instrument playing and the conductor's own irrepressible dynamism; in this early eighties, he continues to show a sharp-eared appreciation of the characteristic detail of Haydn's writing...the performance displays clarity and precision: the sound articulates the complex texutres neatly, allowing Haydn's remarkable scoring and and highly effective vocal writing to register to delightful effect.” (BBC Music Magazine)

“he is as responsive as ever to both the zest and humour of this most joyous of oratorios...Fugues always unfold with cumulative power...[The LSO chorus] sing with spirit, crisp diction and plenty of punch at climaxes - impressive agility, too......All three soloists are well-chosen...this exhilarating and affectionate LSO performance can be recommended to anyone wanting The Seasons in German, performed with modern instruments” (Gramophone Magazine)

“how the LSO so instinctively finds the right kind of scale for playing Haydn is miraculous!...Miah Persson as Jane is all innocence and freshness, without the least diminution of tonal fullness; Jeremy Ovenden as Lucas reminds one with his flexibility and lovely open sound of Philip Langridge occasionally (there can be no higher praise); and Andrew Foster-Williams as Simon is a real bass, excelling as ploughman or huntsman and never turning cavernous.” (International Record Review)

Miah Persson, soprano
Jeremy Ovenden, tenor
Andrew Foster-Williams, bass-baritone
London Symphony Chorus
London Symphony Orchestra
Sir Colin Davis, conductor

Sir Colin Davis
The traditional road to success for a conductor used to be an apprenticeship in an opera house as a coach, playing the piano for singers in rehearsal. Colin Davis chose another route, partly by necessity. Unable to play the piano, he was not allowed into the conducting course at the Royal College of Music in London. So, he achieved an important international career by taking the initiative to form ensembles and conduct for friends at first. Early successes included the founding of the Chelsea Opera Group, a company which to this day gives performances of little known operas in concert.

Davis was soon working with professional orchestras including the BBC Scottish Symphony. His first ‘break’ was at Sadler’s Wells in 1958 when his conducting of Mozart’s Abduction from the Seraglio began a lifelong connection with that composer. The Edinburgh Festival followed along with Glyndebourne. His concert career blossomed in the mid 1960′s alongside his opera work and his other passion for Berlioz began to bring him to the attention of record lovers. He has recorded all the major works of Berlioz, including the first complete (and still regarded as the landmark) recording of Les Troyens.

Davis has enjoyed a career-long affiliation with Philips Classics, recording along with Berlioz, Mozart, the complete symphonies of Sibelius (while he was Principal Guest Conductor of the Boston Symphony in the 1970s) and much more.

Booklet for Haydn: Die Jahreszeiten

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